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The Photo Thief

A wealthy, murderous family
An epileptic who claims to talk to the dead
A grieving detective faces a choice: Overlook a socialite's death & save his career or risk everything to hear his dead daughter's voice again.

Con Me Once

Three superhero wannabes. One femme fatale. Millions in mob cash.

This con is on.


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Storm Shelter

Storm Shelter is a prequel to the award-nominated Type and Cross (WiDo Publishing, 2016) which features an older, wiser Dr. Persephone Smith.

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Type & Cross

Nominated for a "Best First Novel" award by the International Thriller Writers organization, Type & Cross is chronologically the second book in the Persephone Smith trilogy. Ten years after the traumatic events of Storm Shelter, a burned-out Seph has retrained as a criminal psychologist. The story begins when she is assigned the most intriguing case of her career: find Dr. William Baine.


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Blood Type X

Blood Type X is the third installment of the Persephone Smith series, which includes Storm Shelter (“An unconventional mystery that’s smart and unpredictable” – Kirkus Reviews and the Thriller Award-nominated Type & Cross.


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